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    A unique online service that allows you to track the price index for rolled construction products. Read more

    USCC has developed a unique online service that allows you to track the "Price index for rolled construction products". The index reflects the aggregate indicator and price dynamics for individual items of the construction assortment.

    In addition to tracking price dynamics, the user is provided with the possibility of forming a consolidated metal price index according to their own project, indicating the user's settings and generating an official report, which can later be used as an addition to the agreement in terms of justifying changes in the project cost. 

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    ·      the ability to refer to the USCC indicator in negotiation processes as an objective data source;

    ·      increasing trust in the eyes of customers;

    ·      improving the quality of forecasting metal prices for calculating projects;

    ·      improving the quality of forecasting the cost of investment projects;

    ·      increasing confidence in contractors.

    "Price index for rolled construction products" service is publicly available for use by the link: http://index.uscc.ua/